





你所在位置: 首頁-新聞動態(tài)-常見問題超聲波清洗機跟氣泡清洗機有什么不一樣?



工作原理: 超聲波清洗機利用高頻超聲波振動產生微小氣泡,這些氣泡在液體中瞬間形成和破裂,產生的沖擊波能夠有效分離污垢、油脂和其他雜質,從物體表面去除。
Working principle: The ultrasonic cleaning machine uses high-frequency ultrasonic vibration to generate small bubbles, which instantly form and rupture in the liquid. The generated shock wave can effectively separate dirt, grease, and other impurities, and remove them from the surface of the object.
應用領域: 超聲波清洗機廣泛用于清潔珠寶、眼鏡、金屬零件、硬質工具、硬質塑料等小而堅硬的物體。它在工業(yè)、醫(yī)療和珠寶行業(yè)中得到廣泛應用。
Application field: Ultrasonic cleaning machines are widely used to clean small and hard objects such as jewelry, glasses, metal parts, hard tools, and hard plastics. It is widely used in the industrial, medical, and jewelry industries.
清潔方式: 超聲波清洗機適用于需要且非接觸式清洗的物體,特別是那些具有復雜結構或有難以清潔的細小部分的物品。
Cleaning method: Ultrasonic cleaning machines are suitable for objects that require efficient and non-contact cleaning, especially those with complex structures or small parts that are difficult to clean.
Bubble cleaning machine:
工作原理: 氣泡清洗機通過注入空氣或氣體,產生大量氣泡,這些氣泡在液體中上升并爆破,產生的氣泡爆破沖擊可以去除表面的污垢。氣泡清洗通常是一種較為溫和的清潔方式。
Working principle: The bubble cleaning machine generates a large number of bubbles by injecting air or gas. These bubbles rise and burst in the liquid, and the resulting bubble explosion impact can remove surface dirt. Bubble cleaning is usually a relatively mild cleaning method.
應用領域: 氣泡清洗機常用于食品加工、醫(yī)療器械清洗、實驗室設備清洗以及某些電子元件的清洗。它適用于需要溫和清洗的物體,如玻璃器皿、管道、實驗室儀器等。
Application field: Bubble cleaning machines are often used for food processing, medical device cleaning, laboratory equipment cleaning, and the cleaning of certain electronic components. It is suitable for objects that require gentle cleaning, such as glassware, pipes, laboratory instruments, etc.
清潔方式: 氣泡清洗通常用于那些對清潔力度要求較低、不需要高強度沖擊清洗的情況。它可以有效去除一般性污垢,但對于頑固污漬可能需要更長時間的處理。
Cleaning method: Bubble cleaning is usually used in situations where there is a low requirement for cleaning force and high intensity impact cleaning is not required. It can effectively remove general dirt, but for stubborn stains, it may take longer to treat.
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